Tending to my garden and my life; nurturing each day to see what unfolds.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunflowers please bring the Sun!

It is raining....again. Which is good for the grass, but I would really love for the grass to take a vacation. I can't catch up with the weed-eating. It seems that I have to weed-eat everyday.

"Wait, I do weed-eat every day!" she says as she bangs her forehead against the desk.

I weed-eat in front of the house, behind the house, in between the garden rows, around the horse trailer, the front walk, the back yard and the fence line. Normally, if I lived in town this would be a quick job, but because I live out in the country I have more green area (which I love) but my weed-eater doesn't. I have a really nice Black and Decker battery operated weed-eater that I bought when I had less grass. What I need now is a gas powered monster of a weed-eater or a man to weed-eat for me. :)

But since it is raining today I don't have to weed-eat! YEAH!!! The down side is the grass is passing me by in this race. Also, less sun means that my tomatoes will be that much slower in ripening. I have hordes of green tomatoes but no red ones. I even brought some in the house and set them on a window sill but they are as green as the Golly Green Giant. So frustrating.

So Apollo, Greek God of Sun, I offer up to you my beautiful Sun Flowers, once they get enough sun to bloom that is!!! I will happily keep weed-eating if I can have ripe tomatoes!

**Can you tell that I am conflicted about whether I want the sun out or not? So many pros and cons. But mostly I would love to see the sun.

They are starting to develop flower heads.

Getting closer!

Look the Sun!!

Just a little to the left...

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