Kody, Willow and I went blackberry picking this weekend! Actually, I went blackberry picking, they just hung around and looked bored.
I found a wonderful thatch of wild blackberries where I have been milking. I picked the perfect afternoon to wrestle with these thorny bushes, it was hot and humid. I just stood still and started sweating. My logic was that the sweat would help the thorns glide effortlessly over my skin. Yeah, didn't quite go as I planned. But on the bright side, I wasn't accompanied by swarming bugs. I will take heat and humidity over bugs any day.
I was able to pick quite a few, at least enough for some homemade blackberry jam. Hopefully next week some more will ripen and I will get to make a cobbler.

We are heading off to the wild blackberry patch. Already their tongues are hanging out in anticipation of sweet blackberries! Or it might have been because it was a hot day.
Sweet, sweet blackberries. At this point, I had to wipe my chin...I was attracting flies. But doesn't this sight just make your mouth water?
I am picking away, minding my own business, talking to Kody and Willow about absolutely nuthin' when I get a call from my mother and my great-Aunt. "Courtney don't forget to get the blackberries in the back, they are the juiciest." Sure, Mom, no problem. We keep talking, and I am reaching towards the back of the bush, getting thorns stuck in me but it is all worth it for the juiciest and sweetest blackberries. Then mom says, "Oh, and watch out for snakes. They like to hang out inside of blackberry bushes." My hand has never moved so fast in it's life! "Snakes!" Forget the juiciest, sweetest blackberries, I am sticking to the ones I can see! Oh and Mom, thanks for sending me blindly into possibly danger. I can feel the love! :)

Can we go yet!?! I want my fan!

What is that coming up the lane?

It's milking time!!! Kody and Willow haven't seen me don my milkmaid hat yet. Kody just wanted to say "HI" to the cows; Willow on the other hand thought they were Monsters from the Abyss.

Mickalyn ready and waiting!
Look at the thick and creamy milk straight out of the cow! Doesn't it look good, minus the dirt specs? Kody sure thought so. I turned my back for one second and he didn't hesitate. I heard him lapping away.
Once I was done milking, it was time to collect the eggs. And since snakes were now on my brain. I lifted every hen that was laying on a nest, up and off. I wasn't sticking my hand under any of them and be surprised by a legless creature. No way! Logic told me that there wouldn't be any snakes because it was warm out, but this girl don't take no chances.

Look at the colorful bounty of eggs!