Luckily my reflexes are pretty quick from working around horses, and for the most part Mickalyn is pretty lazy so her leg didn't go to far. Of course, I could have been imagining her leg kicking up when she was just stepping forward. But it sounds more exciting if I say she kicked. :)
After I got situated on a stool by her back legs, which had my safety sensors humming. I think I remember hearing that sitting near back legs of a hoofed animal wasn't the smartest idea...hmm..must not be true because I have been handed a stool and told to sit.
Having never done this I felt like I was getting a little too personal with Mickalyn, I wasn't too sure how to proceed. Sometimes you just have to jump in with both feet or in this case, both hands. I slowly moved towards the udder, so I wouldn't scare the 1000 lb animal with hooves near my head, and started to squeeze. Nothing came out. What do you mean this isn't how you do it!?! But this is how they do it on the TV! What!?! The TV is wrong!?! Well, I never...
After a little instruction from my milkmaid mentor, Sharon, I was on my way to becoming a bonafide milkmaid...well, sort of. My right hand sorta, kinda figured it out but my left hand was useless. I was seriously thinking about returning it in for a new hand. Maybe another right hand. But since that wasn't an option, at least not until I went home, the left hand was just going to have to figure it out.
Slowly but surely I started to get milk from Mickalyn. The right hand was getting the hang of it, I am so proud of my right hand. This is why I always use it to write with. The left was figuring it out. The contrast was kind of sad. Right: strong steady stream of 100 degree milk like the mighty Mississippi; Left: a trickle of milk like an Oklahoma creek during a drought. Poor Mickalyn, what she has to endure with a new milkmaid.
I was concentrating so hard on getting the finesse of the milking correct that sometimes I would forget to aim the milk. So it would end up on me. More than once, actually more than 5 times I squirted the milk right onto to my pants! Fun! I had warm milk running down my legs. I could already feel myself getting sticky.
Pretty soon, it was apparent that Mickalyn's patience had run out. So Sharon, my lovely milkmaid mentor, stepped in to finish her off. Then we headed off to separate the cream from the milk. A slow process but well worth it when you see the cream you get. Yum!!!
When I got home and walked through the door I was rushed by my four legged crew. Each of them stuck their noses to my legs and followed me everywhere. I felt like I had grown five new appendages and each one was a hindrance that wanted to drag me down so they could like my milk soaked pants. I had to get out of those pants fast, before Jackson and Willow took me down! Next time I am going to aim better!
My goal for my next milking lesson: Get more milk in the bucket then on my pants!