Tending to my garden and my life; nurturing each day to see what unfolds.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rains Storms + Dogs = No Sleep

I made it to the other side!!! We survived the morning storms. I think the storms were less of a danger then my dogs were to me. When the thunder hit overhead Willow was climbing all over me, thinking that I would be a good shield against the scary storms. But then she decided that being under the bed was safer. You see just me as a shield wasn’t working, but me and the bed would save her. (Her logic is amazing!)

If you were thinking that after she got off the bed she wouldn’t disturb me and I could return to some sort of normalcy aka sleep, you would be incorrect. Being that she is a 100 lb dog and “Grace” is not her middle name, and the space between the bed and the floor just barely fit her as a 30 lb puppy her entrance was not quiet nor easy. She is a strong dog and has found she can push through most anything. How does this translate to her crawling under the bed, you ask? She lifts the bed up!! If I wasn’t already aware of this action and its results it would freak me out in my half sleep state. You get the sensation that the bed is levitating and that the monsters or aliens are coming to get you! Only fool me once!

After she got situated, the storm passed. But she didn’t move because it was too much work and what if another storm came through?

Getting her out from under the bed this morning was interesting to say the least! She was wedged not only between the bed and the floor but also between the bed and the wall. Here I thought it was going to be a puzzle to solve *thinking first thing in the morning has never been my forte*, I figured that I would have to grease her up and yank her out. (This is what I came up with in my still half-sleep state, I am sure if I had been more awake I would have been more delicate. That is my story and I am sticking to it!) Willow had other plans, her way of thinking was: stand up, push the bed up, walk towards the wall; when I am out from under the bed do a half turn and then jump on the bed to exit from the spot between the bed and the wall. That worked great... except the bed was lifted off the frame about 7 inches and then let go to slam back down. WILLOW!!!!!!

And Kody, the one who is normally very unsettled during these storms just laid in front of his fan watching Willow. I think he feels proud that he has passed he neurosis on. Thanks Kody! At least he never climbed on the bed and tried to tunnel under me.

Doesn't she look so innocent?
The cats were fine. Jackson and Alec had stayed outside and were fine this morning. George, well George probably slept through everything because that is what George does.

Most of the plants came through without a hitch, only my corn and hollyhocks were really effected. Both were leaning over. Hopefully they will bounce back.

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