Tending to my garden and my life; nurturing each day to see what unfolds.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rain, rain go away...IT DID!!!

It seems like we have had so much rain this week that I should have been building an ark and not gardening. Now the sun is out and everything is growing. And I mean everything. This morning as I was leaving the house I noticed a batch of new house flies that were attached to my house.

And not only are the vegetables growing but now it seems I have a harvest of fungi. Little mushrooms are taking over my vegetable garden. They should be gone when the sun really comes out this afternoon. If not I will be pulling them out.

One great thing about this rain, is that I didn't have to water for awhile. And if it stays cool I shouldn't have to water for a couple more days. Keep your fingers crossed!
The sunflowers are loving the sun!

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