As I watch the snow fall once again I begin to realize that even though it seems like spring will never get here, actually it is only 24 days away according to the calender. Soon it will be time for me to start working in the garden. I have started collecting my seeds and planning my layout.
Tomorrow at lunch I have a trip to Lowe's planned with a friend. She has a purpose, I am just going to fawn over the bulbs and seeds. Then I will fall in love with a bulb or a seed I have never grown before, which means it needs to come home with me. Once home I will have to figure out a place for it. Sometimes I get a little implusive.
I have come to realize I don't have a gardening style per se, and still being new to gardening when I see something I like I want to add it to my garden. Maybe my style is...hectic, I mean...eclectic. Yeah, I like that. A little bit of everything poking its head out; roses, cosmos, zinnias, sunflowers, columbines...

Tomorrow at lunch I have a trip to Lowe's planned with a friend. She has a purpose, I am just going to fawn over the bulbs and seeds. Then I will fall in love with a bulb or a seed I have never grown before, which means it needs to come home with me. Once home I will have to figure out a place for it. Sometimes I get a little implusive.
I have come to realize I don't have a gardening style per se, and still being new to gardening when I see something I like I want to add it to my garden. Maybe my style is...hectic, I mean...eclectic. Yeah, I like that. A little bit of everything poking its head out; roses, cosmos, zinnias, sunflowers, columbines...

Last year was a great learning experience. I did find out that I won't be so heavy handed with the Morning Glories, if in fact I even plant them at all. They were gorgeous but soon took over, like mad crazy, just like everyone said they would. Live and learn. In my front bed I hope to plant wild zinnias and cosmos. Both grow tall have beautiful flowers, are hardy, and they make me happy.

The rest of the beds are still in discovery. I need to find some good shade flowering plants. I do a lot of inpatients, which are great but now I think I want to change it up a bit.
Only 24 days til spring....the countdown is on! Can I last that long?